Theater & Wave Rock in Perth – September 2024

Our Granddaughter, Samantha, is finishing her degree at Western Australia Academy for Performing Arts (WAAPA) this November. Part of her graduating requirement is for the everyone in the class to produce a short play and present it. Each student is either an actor or part of the production staff for two of the plays (an actor in one and a production staff in the other). The students are teamed up partly by themselves and partly by the faculty. There were two five play programs that ran for four nights each with a three day break between the first and second program. Nancy and I wanted to see both of the plays Sam was part of so we bought tickets to the last night of program one and the first night of program two. We booked a flight and flew to Perth the day before the last night of program one. Sam was the director for one of the plays in program one and her play was the last play of the evening set of five. While we did enjoy all five of the plays, we had a vested interest in the last one and enjoyed that the most.

Before we flew out, Nancy did some research regarding things to do in Perth. Wave Rock was one thing we decided we wanted to see, then maybe a winery and, a must when in Perth, the Chocolate Factory. This was how we were going to fill the three day break. As these plays are the finals for her course, Sam was quite immersed in getting ready. She did spend some time with us one day and we had a great time.

First, the school and plays. WAAPA is a well known and difficult to get into school. They select only twenty six students each year. The class attends all the classes togather and each year another twenty six people are added. The program last for three years. Their most notable graduate, at least in my opinion, is Hugh Jackman. We are all very proud of Sam for being selected and now for graduating. The plays:

So that is what we came to Perth for.

During our three day break we went out to the Wave Rock (350 Kilometers each way). It was an interesting a pretty drive as it is Spring here now and all the wildflowers are blooming. It was also the first time we saw large herds of sheep.

As I mentioned, there were many interesting things to see along the way.

That was our day long adventure to and from Wave Rock. An interesting place. You can always google “WaveRock western Australia” if you want to learn more about it.

That took care of one day. The next day we decided to explore Perth a bit. Plus Sammy had a day off and spent it with us. Perth:

We walked all over Perth and ended up in a Belgian Beer Hall. We tried a few beers, ate some junk food and called it a day after taking Sammy back to her school.

The third day we drove out to the Swan River and visited a winery, did some tasting, had a very nice lunch, and went to the chocolate factory.

The day of Sam’s second program, Nancy and I just took it easy most of the day, then walked over to the theater Sam’s plays were at. We met Sam for an early dinner, wished her a broken leg, and sent her off to get ready for her play. She did great!! We are very proud of her. No pictures of any of the plays … photo’s were very prohibited. Sorry.

The next morning Nancy and I flew out, got to Brisbane at five PM, checked our car out of the parking garage, and did the six hour drive home. We would have normally spent the night in Brisbane but the next day was our daughter-in-law’s birthday and we didn’t want to miss that.

That’s our Perth story.

Author: Bill

Bill Rumpel served America as an Air Traffic Controller, a Commander of forces, and as an advisor to our country's senior leadership in peacetime and combat in the US Air Force for nearly, forty years of his adult life. Raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm and living most of his early years working hard or enjoying the outdoors, he has devoted his retirement years to telling stories based on true events with an intriguing mix of fiction and adventure. His books are published in 14 countries and in 9 different languages.

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